

Fadhilat mencium anak

hari terakhir tahun 2012...

terjumpe ttg fadhilat kiss anak....saje nak share...

Ciumlah anakmu kerana pahala setiap ciuman itu dibalas dengan satu darjat syurga. Nisbah di antara dua darjat ialah 500 darjat. Syurga itu ialah sebuah kampung kesenangan, tiada masuk ke dalamnya melainkan o
rang yang menyukai kanak-kanak.
Barang siapa keluar ke pekan dan membeli barang-barang dan kembali ke rumah dengan buah tangan untuk anak-anaknya, nescaya mendapat rahmat daripada Allah dan tidak diseksa di akhirat kelak.

Tahukah anda jika dibiasakan
mencium anak sendiri, sifat mendera atau membantai serta memukul anak boleh dihindarkan? Dengan wujudnya sifat suka mencium anak, hormon dan bau anak kita itu akan sebati ke dalam otak kita sekaligus mesej yang mengatakan “aku sayang anak aku” akan tersemat terus ke dalam jiwa.

credit :

Get Vitamins for your children...

Wanita menyusu

wanita menyusukan anak memerlukan vitamin dan nutrient yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan wanita yang mengandung.

Lihat senarai ini:
1. Tenaga (kilokalori)
• Wanita Normal : 2000
• Wanita Mengandung : + 150 – 350
Wanita Menyusu : + 550

2. Protein (g)
• Wanita Normal : 37
• Wanita Mengandung : + 13
Wanita Menyusu : + 24

3. Kalsium (mg):
• Wanita Normal : 450
• Wanita Mengandung : + 750
Wanita Menyusu : + 750

4. Ferrum (mg) :
• Wanita Normal/Mengandung dan Menyusu : 28

5. Vitamin A (mcg) :
• Wanita Normal/ Mengandung : 750
Wanita Menyusu : + 450

6. Vitamin D (mcg):
• Wanita Normal : 2.5
• Wanita Mengandung/Menyusu : + 7.5

7. Thiamine (mg) :
• Wanita Normal : 0.8
Wanita Mengandung/Menyusu : + 0.2

8. Riboflavin (mg) :
• Wanita Normal : 1.2
• Wanita Mengandung : + 0.2
Wanita Menyusu : + 0.3

9. Niacin Equivalent:
• Wanita Normal : 1.3
• Wanita Mengandung : + 2.3
Wanita Menyusu : + 3.6

10. Asid Folik (mcg) :
• Wanita Normal : 200
• Wanita Mengandung : + 200
Wanita Menyusu : + 100

11. Vitamin B 12 (mcg):
• Wanita Normal : 2.0
• Wanita Mengandung : + 1.0
Wanita Menyusu : + 0.5

12. Asid Askorbik (mg) :
• Wanita Normal : 30
Wanita Mengandung / Menyusu : + 20

Dapatkan Vitamin for breastfeeding mommies...



Infant Feeding Chart


semalam pegi melawat pakcik tak sihat.. makcik hidang teh bersama carron cake.. sedap betul carrot cake tu... sambil mkn tu suap ckit kat baby Nazim..memule die tak nak... tapi bagi jugak die rase..bagi cream dulu...terjilat jilat...pastu mintak lagi lagi dan lagi..lame2..aku pon amik cake tu..lenyek lenyek kan...suap kay die... wah suke jugak.... dr maghrib sampai kol 12mlm die tido nyenyak..even diangkat ke hulu dan ke hilir... perot penuh la tu kan... best best.. makcik ckp, dah blh bg mkn dah ni... mmg ami pon ade ckp...but semue food and reading i did baby hanya blh start mkn after 6 mth... 

mlm balik dari rumah makcik tu.. kami ke Tesco... tgk tpt food baby...ade la nestum utk baby 4 mth!!!!!! wah..semagat... ape lagik beli la...anyway baby Nazim nak masuk 6 mth 26.12.2012 ni... beli nestum dlm kotak jek..sbb nnt habis yg ni dah blh bg yg 6mth punye...byk ckit perisa.. best best...

tadi pagi saje carik kat en gugel pasal feeding baby.. sekali ade jumpe artikel yg blh diguna pakai ni...

It can be difficult to know what, when, and how much to feed your growing bundle of joy. In terms of amounts, babies are born with a beautiful sense to self-regulate intake, but to ensure you’re not underfeeding or overfeeding it always helps to follow guidelines. See chart and descriptions below for a bit of help. And remember, breastfeeding is a personal decision and can continue for as long or as briefly as you and your baby feel is right, though most doctors recommend breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months.
*To estimate by weight: An average baby should consume 2-3 ounces of formula per day for every pound of his or her body weight, up to a maximum of 32 ounces. So a newborn who weighs 7 lbs will require between 14-21 ounces per day, while a four-month-old who weighs 14 lbs will require between 28-32 ounces.
Birth to Four Months (Breast Milk or Formula Only)
  • 0-3 weeks
    • 1/2-1 oz. increasing to 4 oz. every 2-3 hours about 8 times a day (12-24 oz.)
  • 3 Weeks-4 Months
    • 4-6 oz. every 3-4 hours about 6 times a day (24-32 oz.)
    • The wee one’s digestive tract is still developing, so keep all feedings liquid. No solids yet.
    • Rooting reflex, a reflex seen in newborn babies causing them to automatically turn their face toward the stimulus and make sucking movements, helps your baby find nourishment organically.
Four to Six Months
  • For Liquids (breast milk or formula)
  • 5-7 oz. every 4-5 hours about 5 times a day (24-36 oz.)
  • For Solids (liquid-soaked rice cereal, later try adding grain cereals)
    • Start with mixing 1 teaspoon dry iron-fortified rice cereal with 4 to 5 teaspoons breast milk or formula. Little by little thicken mixture by increasing to 1 tablespoon dry cereal combined with breast milk or formula. Mixture should be fed twice a day.
    • Remember not to prop the bottle as little ones can often choke this way. And though there are even propping devices sold, feeding time should be bonding time. Try to simulate breastfeeding rituals even if bottle feeding. Look into baby’s eyes, stoke their back, create an intimate space.
    • Use a pacifier if baby just wants to suck.
Six to Nine Months
  • For Liquids (breast milk or formula)
  • 7-8 oz. about every 6 hours approximately 4 times a day (24-32 oz.)
  • For Solids (iron-fortified cereals, pureed or strained fruits and vegetables)
    • 3 to 9 tablespoons cereal given over 2 to 3 feedings per day
    • 1 teaspoon fruit, gradually increased to 1/4 to 1/2 cup in 2 to 3 feedings per day
    • 1 teaspoons vegetable, gradually increased to 1/4 to 1/2 cup in 2 to 3 feedings per day
    • Be sure to introduce new foods one at a time, to ensure your sweet babe is not allergic. Wait at least three days in between each new food.
    • Pureed or strained fruits to try include banana, pears, applesauce, peaches, apricots, plums, and avocado (yes, avocado is a fruit!).
    • Pureed or strained vegetables to try include well-cooked carrots, squash, sweet potato, green beans, and peas.
    • Always nurse or formula feed first before introducing solids.
Nine to Twelve Months
  • For Liquids (breast milk or formula)
  • 7-8 oz. about every 6 hours approximately 4 times a day (24-32 oz.)
  • For Solids (iron-fortified cereals, pureed or strained fruits and vegetables, small amounts of dairy products, finger foods, proteins, non-citrus juice)
    • 1/4 to 1/3 cup dairy (or 1/2 oz. cheese) per day
    • 1/4 to 1/2 cup iron-fortified cereal per day
    • 1/4 to 1/2 cup fruit per day
    • 1/4 to 1/2 cup vegetables per day
    • 1/8 to 1/4 cup protein foods per day
    • 3 to 4 oz. non-citrus juices per day
  • Start feeding in high chair.
  • Try using a cup for juice. Remember, juice doesn’t replace breast milk or formula. Non-citrus juices include apple or pear.
  • Feed only foods that will dissolve in baby’s mouth.
  • Dairy products suitable for baby include soft pasteurized cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese; no cow’s milk till 1 year.
  • Fruit and vegetables can now be cut into cubes or strips and fed to baby, as can purees and mashes. Vegetables should always be bite-sized and soft-cooked until tender.
  • Small amounts of proteins should be introduced. These can include egg, pureed meats and poultry as well as boneless fish. Tofu is also a great baby protein. Also try offering baby well-cooked and/or mashed beans with soft skins like lentils, split peas, pintos, black beans.
  • Finger foods include cut-up lightly-toasted bagel pieces, well-cooked piece pasta (no noodles), teething crackers, and low-sugar cereals.
  • It is also during the later of the months that combo foods can be given to baby. Try tasty treats like macaroni and cheese or casseroles.
Twelve to Eighteen Months
  • For Liquids
  • Approx 4 oz. cow’s/soy milk (or yogurt) up to 4 times a day.
  • You may continue to breastfeed as long as you and baby would like, baby will self-regulate amounts. Continue to introduce solids.
  • For Solids
    • Dairy: 4 daily servings; 1/2 Cup; 3/4 Ounce Cheese
    • Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta: 6 daily servings; 1/2 Slice or 1/4 Cup
    • Fruit: 3 daily servings; 1/4 Cup Cooked; 1/2 Cup Raw
    • Vegetables: 2 daily servings; 1/4 Cup Cooked; 1/2 Cup Raw
    • Protein: 2 daily servings; 1 Tablespoon; 1 Egg; 1/2 Cup Cooked Beans and Eggs
    • 3 to 4 oz. non-citrus juices per day
  • Give your child snacks at the table rather than letting them walk around grazing.
  • If your child hasn’t given up the bottle yet, now’s the time!
  • Your child can eat almost any food after age 1 as long as it’s in a form that’s safe for him, i.e. pureed or finely chopped – just no reduced-fat milks.
  • Your toddler will continue to show a heightened interest in self-feeding, first with fingers and then with utensils at around 15 to 18 months of age. Use every opportunity possible to practice the skills needed for self-feeding. Be sure to lend a hand when frustrations occur.
Eighteen to Twenty-Four Months
  • For Liquids
  • Approx 12-20 oz. cow’s/soy milk per day.
  • You may continue to breastfeed as long as you and baby would like; baby will self-regulate amounts. Continue to introduce solids.
  • Your growing babe should have three to six cups of water per day including the water in breast milk, juices, whole milk and food. Supplement with drinking water.
  • For Solids
    • Dairy: 4 daily servings; 1/2 Cup; 3/4 Ounce Cheese
    • Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta: 6 daily servings; 1/2 Slice or 1/4 Cup
    • Fruit: 3 daily servings; 1/4 Cup Cooked; 1/2 Cup Raw
    • Vegetables: 2 daily servings; 1/4 Cup Cooked; 1/2 Cup Raw
    • Protein: 2 daily servings; 1 Tablespoon; 1 Egg; 1/2 Cup Cooked Beans
  • Offer your little love three meals and two or three snacks each day, but remember that it’s quite common for your 18-24 month old to skip meals. Skipping a meal may be a difficult concept for you, but children need to learn to listen to internal cues for hunger and fullness. Don’t be a pusher; allow a kid who’s not hungry to wait it out. Allowing children to eat on demand all day can be just as harmful.
  • Continue serving iron-fortified cereal until your child is 18 to 24 months old to ensure correct iron levels and counteract possible anemia.
  • Speak with your doctor if you’re considering giving your child a vitamin supplement.
Twenty-Four Months+
  • For Liquids
  • Children should be given five to eight cups of water per day including the water in beverages and food. Make up for extra with drinking water. Liquids should include:
  • Milk
  • Juice
  • Water
  • For Solids
    • Dairy: 5 daily servings; 1/2 Cup; 3/4 Ounce Cheese
    • Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta: 7 daily servings; 1/2 Slice or 1/4 Cup
    • Fruit: 3 daily servings; 1/4 Cup Cooked; 1/2 Cup Raw
    • Vegetables: 3 daily servings; 1/4 Cup Cooked; 1/2 Cup Raw
    • Protein: 2 daily servings; 1 Tablespoon; 1 Egg; 1/2 Cup Cooked Beans and Eggs
  • After your rapidly growing little one turns two, they can enjoy the same foods the rest of the family eats, just control portion size.
  • Continue to serve three meals per day with two optional snacks.
  • Offering your tot a balanced diet with minimum saturated fats and partially hydrogenated fat aids in developing the healthy eating habits later on.


itu je la citernye...
ok bye..


Spaghetti Goreng TomYam & telur cheese


ha meh nak kongsi resepi ckit...
Dah lame tak kongsi resepi..

Spaghetti Goreng TomYam


  • 3 ulas bawang puting dicincang
  • 1 biji bawang merah dihiris
  • 3 hirisan halia
  • sotong ckit dipotong bolat2
  • daging perap dgn Meat Tenderiser for 15 min
  • celery hiris
  • tomato potong dadu
  • serai
  • daun limau purut
  • pes tomyam
  • tomato sos
  • sos tiram
  • kicap manis
  • garam
  • air
  • spaghetti rebus dgn garam+olive oli dah toskan

  1. tumis bawang putih + bawang merah + halia hingga naik bau
  2. masukkan serai + daun limau purut + tomato
  3. tumiskan pes tomyam hingga pecah minyak ( if pes yg dlm botol la..klu kuib taruk selepas daging masak)masukkan air
  4. masukkan daging hingga masak
  5. tambahkan sos tiram + kicap manis + tomato sos
  6. masak hingga mendidih
  7. masukkan sotong
  8. semasaknye sotong, masukkan celery serta garam
  9. masukkan spaghrtti yg siap direbus & tos ke dlm kuali.. kacau sebati

Telur cheese
  • 2 biji telur
  • fresh milk
  • 1 helai cheese
  • garam
  • lada sulah
  1. telur + fresh milk + garam + lada sulah di pukul bersama
  2. racik racik cheese kedlm mangkuk yg pukul telur tadi
  3. panaskan minyak dlm kuali..
  4. masukkan hasul pukulan telur with cheese tadi.. bagi rata <ala mcm masak telur selalu tu>
  5. make sure dah masak baru terbalikkan... terbalik kan je... terus tutup api..
  6. then kuarkan dan potong la telur tersebut... readu to eat..




saya nak beli beast pump...

bekenan la sesgt madela freestyle tu...

sape gune pump ni??

tlg citer ckit ape yg best ttg pump ni ek??

aku suke sbb ringan and heavy la kite pengepump tegar la katekan... baby boy yg membesar.. ho ho ho ho....
boy kene byk minum susu suapaya jadi besar dan kuat...

ape ape je la aku merepek ni kan..

anyway..tolong bg feedback ek sesape yg gune pump ni... saya perlukan bantuan untuk membuat keputusan terbaik...

terime kasih semue (ade ke org bace blog aku ni)



Alfalfa ~ Shaklee


ada sape sape penah guna produk Shaklee??

meh nak bagi tau.. now dah sebulan aku gune produk ni.. asalnye untuk milk boost jekk...
dari set milk boost jek, bukan setakat milk boost yg aku dapat..kulit bertambah cantik... cik B pon bertambah cantik... ape lagi ek? setakat ni, itu yg betul betul aku perasan la...
anyway, aku nak promote la kepada seape yg nak try...leh la roger roger diri ku ni... klu korg duk area Putra Perdana, Aman Putra or keje area Cyberjaya... leh la roger2, leh terus by hand xyah bayar online or bayar harga post..kan kan...

bulan NOvember ni ade promotion ALFALFA..

Ape itu ALFALFA?

meh aku bagi tau ape itu ALFALFA..,untuk ape vitamin ALFALFA ni..

  1. Dikatakan tumbuhan terbaik yang mengandungi segala zat keperluan harian tubuh manusia.
  2. Melegakan sakit sendi dan belakang.
  3. Menghilangkan kelesuan dan tekanan.
  4. Memberi sensasi ‘rasa sejuk’ (alfalfa Shaklee mengandungi minyak Peppermint)
  5. Memberi kelegaan semasa haid (untuk wanita).
  6. Merawat arthitis
  7. Bagus untuk elergi dan ekzema
  8. Merawat athma
  9. Mencuci usus bagi membuang toksik
  10. Mencuci buah pinggang dan merawat kencing kotor disebabkan jangkitan dalam buah pinggang
  11. Meneutralkan asid dalam badan
  12. Merawat masalah keputihan pada wanita (untuk wanita).
  13. Membesar dan menegangkan payudara (untuk wanita)(agreed!).
  14. Bertindak seperti kacip fatimah kepada para isteri (untuk wanita).
  15. Memulihkan urat selepas bersalin (untuk wanita).
  16. Membantu masalah penghadaman dan pencernaan
  17. Meningkatkan stamina seorang suami
  18. Melegakan sembelit (air mesti 1-2liter)
  19. Membuang angin dalam badan
  20. Milk booster (totally agreed!)

ha...20 kelebihan tuuuuu.... bukan untuk wanita sahaja, lelaki pon boleh...

ari tu husband selseme style resdung...ape lagi pagi bagi 2 biji, mlm bagi 2 biji... ALhamdulillah... ok...jerawat batu pon dah xde tumbuh...

so ape lagik... meh kite same tingkatkan produktivti susu badan!!!! cegah penyakit2 yg boleh dicegah ngan mengambil vitamins...

CALL or WhatsApp me at +6012 3273370



Salam Maal Hijrah


ingin ku ucapkan salam maal-hijrah buat semue umat Islam..


Durian Crepe

Saya teringin Durian Crepe...

Sape ade jual dekat area Cyberjaya or Putra Perdana or AmanPutra sila angkat tangan!!!!

sgt terliur.....


Berhabuk Sudah


berhabuk sudah blog aku ni.. tersgt la sibuk kan... 

byk sgt n3 tertunggak... tapi rasenye mcm xsempat nak citer lebar..
kite layan gambar pon jadi la kan..

birthday Party Aqil (sepupu NabilNawalNazim)

Budak ni baru jumpe ami die... sape pon dah tak boleh kawal die..
ami die sibuk get ready candy table for birthday boy

Muhammad Nazim 

Sekitar Marhaban Nazim at Kg Che Zainal

Ami-Luqman-Abah-Nabil-Nazim(dlm buai...tak nampak pon)

Ami & Nazim

Personalize Mineral 
(i did it myself)

'mak yong' ni tak sihat mase ni

Kumpulan Marhaban MIL

Ha ni semue keje aku la..
choclate & muffin akak ipar wat kan..

chomel gak

Kami bertiga..
Nawal not in Picture..
die tido mase marhaban sedang berlangsung.....

Kami lagi....

guess??? Nazim tgh minum susu...

Chocolate & Mineral Nazim 

Hj. Luqman

Buai ini saya hias...
kes promote diri sdr... hahaha

bahan bahan utk makcik2 marhaban potong2 rambut Nazim

Nazim pakai jubah ye...

Ha ini la kami bersama our new born baby..
new la sgt kan.. dah 4 bulan okeyyy

Ami & Baby Nazim

Sekian saja...
Sekian saja...
Gambar2 dari saya...
Terima kasih...
(mcm lagu Nawal selalu nyanyi... practice untuk concert sekolah die)

ok la itu sahaja wat mase ini...
akan top up gambar lagi lepas ni kot..




Penyediaan Susu


dah lame betul tak tulis ape2 kat cni kan...
mcm ade jek org nak bace blog aku ni...
xpe la untuk rujukan diri sdr..

ni saje nak wujudkan post la satu ni.. padahal diri ini sgt sibuk dirumah dan dipejabat..

so ni n3 pantas..

sila refer untuk diri sendiri, rakan rakan, suami suami...




Cyberjaya Park


ni baru berkesempatan nak citer last weekend punye citer..hahaha... dah nak another weekend dah kan...

last week, balik keje ckp kat en Hubby, jom g breakfast kat playground nak ari sabtu...en hubby setuju..plan nak g playground kat taman perumahan ni...

pagi bagun kecoh2..masuk kete sbb tukaq lokasi ke playground dpn taska Nazim....dah nak masuk selekoh Aman Putra, en hubby jalan terus... surprise....pegi Taman Tasik Cyberjaya!!!!
tak penah pegi OK... kiteorg pon parking la...
then jln ke tpt yg dituju.. besau ok..aku xde berjln sgt sbb ade baby.. duduk dlm pondok jek...

ni antara gambar yg aku snap dr tpt aku duduk..

Nabil yang kene pakse makan
Nawal dah lari dlm playground yang besau itu

playground yang besau

Esok, saturday nak pegi jugak.... :)klu redup dan beragin lagi best kot...

ok la..itu sahaja..



Weekend 29.9.2012 - 30.9.2012


Ha wat ape last weekend? Last weekend my mum turun KL...Best best...i got strawberry!!!! i Love it so much... tq Ami!!! she know that i like strawberry so much... infect my elder boy love it too.... 
and ami also know that i like RED ROSE got it too.... baru la rumah aku berseri ade bunga...bak kate en hubby..hehehehe...
i like fresh flowers rather than bunga tiruan..walaupon bunga fresh ni mahal and seminggu paling lame tahan... tapi it's much much more nicer and tidak collect habuk...

terlupe lak nak snap pix bunga ku...tablet aku tak tau ke mana.. semalam, sunday.. my husband's brothers gether at my house.. mmg aku xsempat la nak masak ssb pagi tu antar my mum balik rumah at keramat..then pegi amik Luqman anak sedare hubby kat subang bestari.. then baru balik nasuputra..mmg xsempat la sampau nusaputra dah kol 2 kot... jadi outsorce ke SABA' la... hehehehe... hubby beli 2 bungkus nasi kabsa wow..satu bungkus jek 3 org dewasa boleh makan okey..
sekali abg hubby datag bawak KFC lak lagi... wah wah... best best...aku wat brownies... best kan....lps maghrib semue lepak dapur mkn brownies bersama ice cream secara best.. :)

thank you u all sebab sudi datang ke teratak kami... :)
next week kite jumpe lagik ye... :)

Anyway... Happy birthday baby Aqil!!!(baby lagi ke aqil tu?)

tu je citer aku last weekend yg aku rase best...

dapat lepas rindu ngan ami..

ok la..
sambung lagik ye..




Dah Lama


Mcm dah lame tak tulis/type kat sini.. rindu sesgt...
actually tak ape sgt cerite.. just very very busy with life... hahahha.... mcm org lain tak bz je kan...
anyway last weekend kiteorg anak beranak pegi GM Klang..BEST sgt..bagunan baru dah bukak...dapat la pusing2 cari barang2 untuk birthday party anak sedare hubby.. Alhamdulillah selesai beli semue barang... balik dari GM Klang terus g umah abg en HUbby.. pegi anto barang2 yg kiteorg tangkat GM ler... siap terus susun susun semue sekali..xde la dieorg kelam kabut nnt kan...
ye la dieorg tgh wat ckit umah dieorg...ari sabtu tu, baru siap semue... now tinggal nak kemas umah jek... alang2 kami tlg la ape yg patut kan... lagi pon adik ipar en hubby pregnant..sian die... mase aku pregnant, pindah umah...dieorg jugak yg byk sgt tolong kami...TQ Uallz.. ;)

Ok la itu jek n3 kali ni..nak gambar? ni ade gambar baby Nazim isap pacifier. untuk pertama kalinye...he was crying susu tak nak.. baring tak nak..aku sumbat gak puting ni pastu peluk die kuat2... sudahnye tertido gak... kejap je pon ni pastu die buang la... jadik la..asal kamu tido anakku...

adik tido kene letak bantal kiri kanan..coz dah pandai pusing pusing dah...




Rase dah lame tak singgah ke blog sendiri...
sibuk la sgt skrg ni.. keje tersgt banyak...
hope by next week dah cool ckit....
aku baru mengásign'diri aku ngan 1 punye occasion.
nnt klu berjaya aku akan wat n3 tersendiri ok.. yahooo...
ok la itu je nak citer...



2 months 18 days


Today Nazim is 2 months 18 days... minggu ni dah 2 minggu aku masuk kerja...

kat office aku akan pump susu sekurang kurangnye 2 kali... petang aku tak pump sebab,office ngan taska dekat.. aku sampai jek Taska aku amik Nazim and terus bg die minum.. so jimat EMB die yang aku bekalkan... setiap ari aku akan bagi 6 bekas EBM yang setiap bekas terkandung 2oz susu...

selalu die balik with extra 1 bekas yang belum diusik....

sejak aku start pump at office aku perasan..susu belah pagi lebih byk, walaupon dlm kerete on the way antar Nazim, aku memang menyusukan die...

semalam jek.. pagi aku pump dapat 8oz...

ari ni aku dapat 9oz!!!! happy sesgt..siap amik gambar ye.. Hope i can increase milk supply..coz Nazim membesar, sekali minum lagi banyak...

Berbangga dengan pencapaian diri sendiri...

Alhamdulillah :)

anyway gambo ari ni...


Habby Birthday my Twin Boys...


11 spet Birthday Nawal yang ke 4 tahun and 14 sept lak birthday Nabil ye ke 5 tahun...

Tahun ni kami plan sambut secara kecil kecilan..hanya kami anak beranak... it's remind me to my late father, my mum, my elder sis and my youngest sis.. we use to celebrate birthday just 5 of us...

anyway, i plan to go Secret Recipe on Friday after work unfortunately i have to work on Friday night.. so mr hubby suggest we go and celebrate on Tuesday.. 

after work we when back home, have bath & maghrib pray.. then we when to SR at Cyberjaya...

Best jek.. tak ramai orang.. we make the boys choose 1 slice of cake they want each one got 1 slice.. and i ask the SR staff to write Happy birthday and put candle... we had a small  birthday at SR.. the BOYS love it and enjoy it..even Nazim crying coz he so sleepy but mummy bring him for jalan jalan... hahaha.. while mummy eating papa bring Nazim for a walk to put him to sleep.. hehehe... TQ dear ;) ( I know my hubby is my silent reader )...
ape angin aku berbahasa english ari ni ek??
entah la..abaikan je la... just enjoy some photo we snap at SR..
and open present from the boy's grandmother aka my mum...

sementara tunggu en hubby siap

kiss bhaijan Nabil (sanggup apa shj klu nak bergambar)

kiss Nawal (ni pon same kes)

With the latest edition of NA's

Nawal with his Abah


Blow the Candle.... Nawal kene blow byk kali... hehe 

Makan Cake

Present for Nabil

Present for Nawal

Present Nabil

Dah main dah....

 Ha...tu Nawal punye.. suke die... 

 adik pemerhati...
